Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Power of Fashion?

New exhibition in Nordiska museet Stockholm named Power of Fashion - 300 years of clothing is yet another exhibition of clothes as museum objects. But what is he point of it? Education? Or looking at clothes as more than wear and tear (or wear until the next things comes along)?
Museum web page sites that:
"The power of fashion is strong. All social groups use clothing to create their identity. Meet people from three decades, the 1780s, 1860s and 1960s, times when the economy, currents of ideas and technical developments clearly affected clothing and fashion. The power of fashion is strong. All social groups use clothing to create their identity".

Sounds more like a history lesson than anything else, which is of course, educational and all, but haven't we seen enough of that? But trust not my guesses and check it out for yourself!

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