Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Fashionable doubts

There are so man ways of looking at, and being in, fashion. I love it, and I hate it. There are the wear and tear collections, cheap as dirt and made to be obsolete in less than a season, and the classic pieces that are still probaly produced in no better way and far to expensive. So, what if you want to be in between? Buy from a small collection who makes everything at home, exclusive in a home-made kind of way and often very eco-friendly. Only problem is, more often than not I just don't like it! Wearing something should make you happy, or at least feel good, and not just about yourself for supporting the small entrepreneurs. Second hand is too hard to find, vintage is too expensive. Making it yourself? Well, that usually ends up being yet another half-finished garment in my closet...

But, when you find it, wherever you find it, that perfect dress/jacket/jeans/top (you get it...) you been searching for for ever, the one that makes your day, then it's all worth it!

What are your favourites, the ones you will never ever get rid of?

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